Sunday, November 1, 2015


Today I made icing. This is the icing that I used for my previous post 'Sugar Cookies'. This icing recipe is from 'The Hummingbird Bakery Cookbook'. Let's get started with the recipe.

What you will need:
-310 g icing sugar/powdered sugar
-1 egg white
-1/2 teaspoon lemon juice
-1 teaspoon vanilla extract 
-Food coloring of your choice(optional)
-Freestanding electric mixer with a whisk attachment/handheld electric whisk

1. Mix your egg white, vanilla extract and lemon juice together in the mixer until well combined.
2. Slowly add the icing sugar into the egg white and lemon juice mixture until it turns into a cream-like consistency.
3. Once everything is combined, add the food coloring (if you chose to) and mix again.
4. When your mixture is ready, you can either put it into a piping bag and squeeze your icing onto your cookie/cake or you can spread it on with a butter knife.

If you want a better look at how to make icing, here is a link to a video: